UCITS and AIF Managers Ongoing Reporting

We provide with regular frequency, ranging from daily to monthly, risk exposure reporting to fulfill the AIFM obligations. These include:

  • UCITS Reporting;
  • AIFMD Reporting;
  • Eligibility Reporting
  • VaR Reporting;
  • Leverage Reporting;
  • Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing Reporting;
  • Liquidity Risk and Liquidity Stress Testing Reporting;
  • Performance and Risk Attribution Analysis;
  • Board of Directors and Depositary Reporting.

In addition to the above reporting, RMC Wise experts offer additional adhoc services on Liquidity Risk Management and Liquidity Stess Testing.  In view of the recent focus by both local and international regulators on Liquidity Risk Management, RMC Wise experts can assist in the process of creating and implementing an in-depth Liquidity Risk Management Policy, which covers Liquidty Stess Testing and is in line with the UCITS and AIFMD requirements.